Saturday, February 01, 2014



Currently aisyah is fighting of eczema
sukarnya mlalui saat bertarung dengan ekzema.musuh senyap yang menghantui
Arini akan masuk minggu ketiga.  Aisyah dan ekzema....

■ ubatan moden : steroid
■ alternatif : krim dan sabun moogoo bulan ketiga (isb, msm, udder) initially reduced but then flaring up
■ ANTIBIOTIC : TOPICAL fusicot (calm down the irritated&infected looking skin)
■ rooibos tea : told to reduce itchiness
■ 2nd visit to skin specialist : tried on cetaphil and steroid cream
■ mama almost loss the battle
■ terbaca satu artikel tentang apple cider vinegar and lemongrass eo enlightened me
■ Cubaan menukar susu kpd susu kambing
■ Makan omega guard
■ Minum probiotik
■ Minum olivenol
■ I need motivation please
■ full loaded with love and doa from me

Get well soon
Will not forget this battle
May Allah give us guidance and success amin.....